What we do

Scotica is an award-winning production house, creating environmental and adventure films in Scotland, and beyond.

Film is powerful. At Scotica we use our skills as environmental storytellers to capture the importance of our wild spaces and the communities connected to them.

Our commercial and documentary work is narrative-led, rooted in a love for landscape. Telling these stories forms meaningful bonds between brands and their audiences, and creates a ripple effect of positive change.

If we can nurture our bond with the natural world, we’re taking the first steps towards a fairer, happier and more sustainable society.

Let Scotica take you on a different journey.

Who we are

Gregor D Sinclair
Managing Director

Originally hailing from the remote isle of Sanday, Gregor is an adventure and environmental filmmaker. Having worked for many years producing commercials for blue-chip clients in the South of England, in 2019 Gregor returned to Scotland to form Scotica, with the intention of becoming a leading voice in inspiring people to experience and protect wild spaces in the UK and abroad.

After releasing his first documentary ‘Small Country’ in 2021 and following with ‘Hardangerfolk’ in 2023, Gregor has continued to develop his skills as a producer-director at home diving through chilly Scottish waters or skiing across northern tundra, working on long, difficult shoots in challenging environments.

Rachel Sarah
Creative Director

Rachel is a multi-skilled shooting producer-director, based in Scotland, with a background in adventure sport and environmental stories. She thrives on narrative-lead documentary work, and commercial campaigns centred on stories with real meaning – focusing in on our connections with nature, landscapes and wildlife. You’ll find her tracking wildlife in the Scottish hills, abseiling and shooting from a rock face in wintry mountains, or in the open sea, immersed in the water, camera in hand. By exploring the connections our individual and collective health has to the environment and to wildlife, and the way our outdoor spaces are changing using film, Rachel hopes to create positive change.

Who we are

Gregor D Sinclair
Managing Director

Gregor D Sinclair
Managing Director

Originally hailing from the remote isle of Sanday, Gregor is an adventure and environmental filmmaker. Having worked for many years producing commercials for blue-chip clients in the South of England, in 2019 Gregor returned to Scotland to form Scotica, with the intention of becoming a leading voice in inspiring people to experience and protect wild spaces in the UK and abroad.

After releasing his first documentary ‘Small Country’ in 2021 and following with ‘Hardangerfolk’ in 2023, Gregor has continued to develop his skills as a producer-director at home diving through chilly Scottish waters or skiing across northern tundra, working on long, difficult shoots in challenging environments.

Rachel Sarah
Creative Director

Rachel Sarah
Creative Director

Rachel is a multi-skilled shooting producer-director, based in Scotland, with a background in adventure sport and environmental stories. She thrives on narrative-lead documentary work, and commercial campaigns centred on stories with real meaning – focusing in on our connections with nature, landscapes and wildlife. You’ll find her tracking wildlife in the Scottish hills, abseiling and shooting from a rock face in wintry mountains, or in the open sea, immersed in the water, camera in hand. By exploring the connections our individual and collective health has to the environment and to wildlife, and the way our outdoor spaces are changing using film, Rachel hopes to create positive change.

Our Values

Champion the Right Causes

We capture the spirit of hope, of community, to show how the outdoors, and protecting nature, can inspire the best in us.

Our focus is in telling outdoor and environmental stories that have a positive impact on people and planet. In our commercial and our documentary film work, it is key for us to work alongside brands and organisations who also have ethics at their heart.

Practise Real Sustainability

We tread lightly on the landscape, ensuring there is no disturbance to local fauna and flora, and working in a way which is sensitive to those most intimately connected with the land, its ecology and history.

All Scotica shoots are designed to have the lowest possible environmental footprint; we minimise travel, hire local as much as possible, and offset through tree-planting. We aim for zero to landfill and prioritise vegetarian catering.

Our focus has always been and will always be on promoting, preserving and revitalising the incredible natural landscapes we’re privileged enough to have on our doorstep.

Strive for True Representation

We are building a culture that celebrates and highlights authenticity, seeking out those lesser told stories in the UK and beyond. A strong creative team is one that fully represents the project, and we aim to provide opportunities and mentorship behind the camera for creatives from all backgrounds.

We are continually learning, building a creative community driven by a shared passion for sustainability – both in front of and behind the camera.

Create a Positive Environment

We shed our ego; creating a positive space is one of our most fundamental values at Scotica. Creative collaboration is at our core, and everybody is valued and heard.

Safeguarding the well-being of everyone who’s a part of our shoots is one of our most fundamental values. Through our professionalism, planning, and experience, we do everything we can to keep our cast, crew and clients safe – physically, mentally and emotionally.

our company constitution

As part of our commitment to transparency around ethics and governance in the industry, we have available for download our full, three-part company constitution, detailing our modus operandi, the principles we follow and, most crucially, the values we hold at our core.

These documents are: i. the Articles of Association, our legally binding agreement as a private company; ii. our Code of Ethics, our internal rules regarding everything from sustainability to ethics in advertising to AI and GDPR; and iii. a Stakeholder’s Agreement, an overview of our core values that, by partnering with Scotica, you agree to help us uphold.

Trees For Life

We’re serious about our impact on both our local Scottish Landscapes and the global environment. We plant trees with every project through Scottish Rewilding charity Trees For Life, providing native habitat restoration and carbon capture.

Trees Planted


Are you ready to tell your story? Get in touch with us at hello@scotica.film, or leave your message below and we’ll get back to you.

Get in Touch

Are you ready to tell your story? Get in touch with us at hello@scotica.film, or leave your message below and we’ll get back to you.

Get in Touch

Are you ready to tell your story? Get in touch with us at hello@scotica.film, or leave your message below and we’ll get back to you.